Discover Corporate Genius

Our 3 step approach:

Step 1:

Activate Genius to recruit, engage, and retain top talent.

Step 2:

Optimize flow on the team to create high performing teams

Step 3:

Leapfrog to Genius organization by upgrading mindset, culture and organizational design

“Organizations are super-human living systems that have their own way of thinking and behavior”

It is possible to activate superpowers and upgrade mindset on an organizational level. Research has found that the conditions for creating a high performing team include psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning, and impact.

The Genius method helps create these conditions within an organization, by changing the organization’s mindset, or level of consciousness and by harnessing and directing the individual potential within the organization.

Organizations can be viewed as superhuman living systems similar to biological systems, where a single cell represents the individual, a group of cells represents a team, and the biological system represents the organization. Each group of cells will have a different function similar to how organs have different functions in the body. The organs work together to help the body run optimally. What makes the organization superhuman and different from a biological system is that it has its own way of thinking, values, and beliefs. This creates the organization’s culture and drives its behaviours.

An organization’s mindset or level of consciousness determines how they see their people, who they hire, how they work, and what kind of product they create. It also influences how they see their customers, partners, and employees. Every organization has a Genius potential waiting to be activated and realized. As an organization upgrades its mindset and accesses its Genius, its adaptability and potential for unique and innovative products increases. As a result, the organization can harvest it’s collective genius and evolve beyond its original capacity and revenue potential. When this happens, everyone benefits.

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